API details.

class Card[source]

Card(suit=0, rank=2)

Represents a standard playing card.

Attributes: suit: integer 0-3 rank: integer 1-13

Card is a class that represents a single card in a deck of cards. For example:

Card(suit=2, rank=11)
Jack of Hearts
Card(suit=2, rank=0)
None of Hearts


c = Card(suit=1, rank=3)
assert str(c) == '3 of Diamonds'

c2 = Card(suit=2, rank=11)
assert str(c2) == 'Jack of Hearts'

You can do comparisons of cards, too!

assert c2 > c

assert c2 < c

AssertionError Traceback (most recent call last) in —-> 1 assert c2 < c


Note: Look at fastcore’s testing utilities for convenience functions that print out helpful error messages by default when there is an error. These convenience functions are an improvement upon using assert. 2

You can show the docs for methods by calling show_doc. show_doc(Card.eq) produces the following documentation:



Checks whether self and other have the same rank and suit. returns: boolean

card1 = Card(suit=1, rank=3)
card2 = Card(suit=1, rank=3)
assert card1 == card2